The History of B&b

Hello travelers, welcome to our home, or rather to the stationmaster's house. Yes, that's right, in this ancient historical residence the stationmaster's family lived in the past, who supervised not only the management of the station but also that all passengers were welcomed and helped in their travel needs.

Today, after a skilful renovation and restoration work, that spirit of welcome and hospitality is still alive in his home, and we are happy to offer you a different and unusual stay compared to other accommodation facilities. So what are you waiting for ??? All in the carriage, let's go !!!


Our price:

– “Light” from October 1 to May 31

– “Medium” from June 01 September 30, ad eccezione di Agosto (Heavy)

We have an agreement with the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute.

The ATM service is active and we are able to send the electronic invoice to customers with VAT numbers.

Call us for personalized quotes, avoiding the use of intermediary portals (Booking, Airbnb, Expedia, Etc.) the price we reserve for you will always be a little lower.